Ia. BS ‘n’ About…..Congress Has No Clothes

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I.-Introductions, Premises, & Bob

BS ‘n’ About…

“Congress Has No Clothes”

 CHNC was begun as my attempt to bring some pen and paper order to the ‘King has no Clothes’ questions I had about my world. Everywhere I looked the facts seemed to be at odds with the ‘Party Line’. The compromises, half-truths, and outright lies necessary to bond us into societies seemed to blind us to obvious common sense and our very instinct for self-preservation. So much of what we do seems so hypocritical and self-destructive.

The more I wrote the more it became apparent that humanity is at the most critical crossroads in its history. We’ve come very far, very fast, yet don’t seem worthy of the powers we’ve harnessed. We’ve accessed the Information Age yet are still fighting the same old Stone Age battles.

CHNC addresses some of the most explosive issues known to mankind and it does so without pulling any punches. I’ve attempted to do so from the humility of questions, rather than the righteousness of answers, but some questions are so powerful that they are answers in and of themselves, so I probably fail.

My hope and fervent belief is that when we start asking the right questions, the great majority of us will find the same answers, answers borne of the common sense and self-preservation alluded to above. This work isn’t a long one, but it is involvement-oriented. Every paragraph is reason for pause and reflection. I ask that you, my reader, do the math for yourself. While I definitely have my own view of things, it is meant to be just a starting point for organizing your own thoughts on the issues.

“I propose up front that

almost nothing in our world

is as it seems

and that

reading and reflecting upon

the following pages

will forever change the way you look at

your nation, your world, your species, and yourself.”

— Bob Smith

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